Time is running out!
We are approaching September and Kaliis and I still haven't quite found a place. We have looked at a few in and around Northampton ranging from 'way cheaper than we expected to spend' all the way to 'better sell our kidneys to pay the rent'. Tomorrow we look at an ideal location for us.
Two bedroom on Center St. Within our price range. Literally spitting distance from where she works (and where it seems I will be working again in the near future). W/D centrally located in the building. New appliances. Hardwood in common areas. Sounds just about perfect...
Downfall number 1: As with just about EVERY place in Northampton there is no parking included. She is certain that she can work with that. I am not so sure. However, I am in no place to abandon my vehicle as of yet (until I buy a bicycle that is) so that will need to be addressed. Any ideas?
Downfall number 2: The listing

explicitly states no pets (which is odd as people that I know who have lived in the same building in the past have kept indoor cats). I am not sure that I am ready to abandon psycho kitty yet. I mean, look at those eyes! If anybody wants him I might be willing to part with him... who am I kidding. He's a temperamental beast who only likes myself and The Putz... We'll see
Anyway... I'm checking it out tomorrow. We'll see what happens.
On a completely different note: I need to sincerely apologize to a good friend of mine. A few weeks back I did something that truly affected our friendship and could have cost her her job. Not that it's an excuse for my behavior but I was on the intoxicated side at the time. I have since apologized numerous times and understand that a barrier of trust was broken. Our friendship has been rocky in the past and this didn't help anything. I have a difficult time earning her trust and to throw that back in her face was truly stupid of me.
Recently I had the same thing happen to me. I have never felt so betrayed as I did during this situation. Once I had moved beyond my initial anger I realized that what happened to me is exactly what I did to the aforementioned friend. I know that I have apologized already and I know that things between us might never be the same but I would like to make it up to you somehow.
To the person who betrayed my trust recently: I am not going to carry this grudge forever. I also realize that in my anger I said some stupid things to people that probably should not have heard them. However, this is not the first time that you have taken something that I have shared in confidence and revealed it. Don't expect me to EVER turn to you again. Don't expect that I will EVER be there for you either. Time fixes everything to a point but I don't think our relationship will ever go back to what it was.